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Condo Hotels Dubai

Timing the Investment into Dubai Condo Hotels


Q. Is it better to invest now or possibly later once the country has had more time to be developed?

A. NOW! What's the difference? Let me ask you something. If you could go back in time, wouldn't you buy property in Orlando, New York or Las Vegas? Wouldn't those have been great investments? Wouldn't what you bought two years ago, five years ago or 10 years ago, be worth significantly more today? Couldn't you sell and make a huge profit?

Dubai is the Orlando, New York and Las Vegas of the future. The country has only been open for private investment by outsiders for two years, and in that short time, it has become the fastest growing country in the world. Property appreciation rates, while difficult to precisely verify, have been anecdotally quoted at 30% to 60% per year. If you want to bet on which way prices are going, bet the house that it's up, up, up!

You have a unique opportunity to be a part of a developing nation, one that is extremely rich and technologically oriented, and run by extremely savvy businessmen. The rulers have taken a look at all of the world's markets, identified the most successful ventures, and then sought to not only copy them but to better them. They are investing in infrastructure, technology and people talent.

We at Condo Hotels Dubai truly believe that the sky is the limit for this developing nation, and we are proud and pleased to be a part of its growth.

The above question was submitted via e-mail by a visitor to The answer was prepared by Joel Greene, a licensed real estate broker, who specializes in condo hotels and the Dubai real estate market.

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